Do you remember your teachers from school? I don't remember all of them, as a matter of fact, most are just fuzzy memories at this point. A select few remain vivid and bright in my memory. They all taught me something, they all contributed to society in more ways than they could realize. I started my search for this weeks role model and found a few people that were worthy of mention. I had picked a
teacher from Pennsylvania that was fighting for his right to be able to defend his students from harm. I started to type and the words came naturally, but they were not juxtaposed from a Fox news article.
My eighth grade social studies and history teacher was (and still is, I'm sure)an honorable man. He taught all of us literature, history, classical music, many things. At the time I did not know how they all were related to the class. I learned that lesson many years later, after my own politics and my own views of society had formed into what they now are. He made learning fun, interesting, entertaining. He past on his love for history, enthralling me with it's epic battles and subtle political nuances. There was the Egyptian dig and quest thru the school, and the mock battle with eggshells filled with glitter. History was alive, and flourishing in many young minds.
He is also the first teacher that I can recall holding me personally responsible for my actions. He was a man who could cause a lump to rise in my throat with a simple glance. He asked for respect and gave it in return. I do not recall whether the lesson was given directly or indirectly, but I believe that he is the man that showed me that you can shape your own destiny. I refer to it as 'making your own adventure'. The notion that whether you succeed or fail, ultimately you are the one responsible. I am sure that I gave him plenty of whiny excuses for things that I may or may not have done, I am also sure that on days he hung his head in frustration at said actions (bit hard headed I was).
I can go on for pages with stories from this gentlemans class room. The moral is this: Role models come in many shapes and forms, some obvious and some not, some may simply guide another to becoming a productive member of society. Some may fight for what is right no matter the cost. Some may save another life at the risk of their own. They all have a overlooked fact behind them, there were people in their life that guided them and molded them into better people.
Mr. Robert Hargis is one of those people, a person who may never be famous or in the spotlight, but he has influenced society in more ways than I can imagine. He truly makes the world a better place. Mr. Hargis, you sir, are a inspiration to others, and we all thank you.