A farmer in Fayetteville, NC recently thwarted a home robbery attempt. Bryan Tew was pulling into his driveway on his John Deere tractor when he heard the unmistakable noise of someone breaking into his house. He retrieved his rifle from behind his seat when the alleged dirt bag, oops I mean perpetrator, came out of his house with his arms full of Mr. Tews belongings.
Mr. Tew said since the incident he has wondered time and again what he would have done if Mr. Woods had had a gun.
"I told the deputies, "The thing is my rifle wasn't loaded,' " Mr. Tew said. "They laughed and said, "Hey, that's all right. He didn't know that.' "
I applaud Mr. Tew for his actions on that day. I believe he did everything right. Except for the part where he did all this with an unloaded gun. Don't get me wrong it takes alot of bravado to confront a burglar with an unloaded firearm, but do you hold it by the barrel so that you can club him with it?
The point to this post is not what he did wrong but what he did right. He decided that he was not going to be a sheep and that he was going to defend what was his. This is a trait that is in short supply in society today, in a time when most people believe that government, and by proxy the police, will protect them and take care of their every need.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Low Light Shoot
Last night I shot a low light match at the Lets Shoot gun club in Amarillo, TX. I didn't do as well as I hoped. Of course, I also haven't trained for this type of shooting for sometime. My grip wasn't right. Worse of all when the stage didn't go as planned, my fundamentals fell apart. I placed fourth. Tht is not the important part, the important part is that I learned some valuable lessons about my pistol training. I attempted to take pictures. They did not come out, there wasn't enough light. Here is video instead.
I really enjoyed the wide variety of stages. Ther was even one where you did not have a light, all that was illuminating the targets were some red strobes. ?The buzzer went off and you had to identify one target that was a no shoot, the rest were badguys and you hosed them. It was fairly quick, all my shots went low, but I didn't have any misses.
Blogger is not cooperating with me, second video is here.
I really enjoyed the wide variety of stages. Ther was even one where you did not have a light, all that was illuminating the targets were some red strobes. ?The buzzer went off and you had to identify one target that was a no shoot, the rest were badguys and you hosed them. It was fairly quick, all my shots went low, but I didn't have any misses.
Blogger is not cooperating with me, second video is here.
So which is it? Pirate, Ninja, Knight, or Cowboy?
I was feeling like a quiz and this one is fairly decent.
Your result for The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test...
a Knight Captain
You scored 7 Honor, 7 Justice, 5 Adventure, and 5 Individuality!
Some knights follow the orders given them. Some know when to improvise. The second sort are the ones that grow to power, to become leaders and Knight Captains. Your sense of duty, honor and justice speaks that your name should be amongst their ranks.
Get your squire, your banner, your armor and your sword. You're gonna do just fine
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Loneliest Vigil
The snow was falling over the empty hole in the ground. The fresh dirt was discretely covered with a green piece of carpet. Stone markets laid all around in perfect formation. Warriors buried with honor and dignity were laid to rest here, their place in the formation saved for only the most brave and noble of all soldiers.
The sky turned a murky grey color as the pure white snow fell even faster. The funeral detail marched into their positions, no commands were given, everybody knew their job. The only sound was the clip clop of steel heeled shoes as they marched down the pavement. The firing party was in position, their blue dress uniforms were unsoiled and perfect. The white dress gloves almost camouflage against the snow. M14 rifles with polished stocks and white slings also spotless. The bugler stood at the ready his red hat and polished bugle shone bright despite the grey and solemn mood. The flag folding detail stood on the road, waiting to carry the hero to his final resting place. The chaplain and the Arlington lady stood respectfully next to the grave, patiently waiting.
The hearse arrived to discharge it's passenger, but something was different, something was not right, the hearse was alone, no limo, no mile long procession to lay this hero to rest. Just a hearse with one lonely passenger. With honor and reverence he was removed and carried, feet first, to his new home. The Chaplain spoke a little and said the prayers. When he finished, he backed slowly away and the casket was laid in the ground, the flag pulled tight, snapping in the crisp snowy air, removing all trace of the offending snow from the glorious colors.
The firing party, forgotten statues in the distance, came to life. All that is heard is "Ready, aim," BANG. The white gloved hands move in unison as they rack another round into the chamber. "Ready, aim," BANG. "Ready, aim," BANG. "Present, arms." Another round of seven men moving in unison as the final honors are given. Taps begins to play from the bugler as the flag is folded. The final fold is completed at the same time as the final note of taps. The flag is passed to the burial detail commander who inspects it for any irregularities, there is none, as a matter of fact it was perfect, absolutely perfect. He hands it to the chaplain, who than passes it to the Arlington lady.
The funeral detail marches off the ground and onto the bus. All is quiet aboard. There is none of the usual joking and ribbing. Just a solemn quiet of reverence and respect.
This happened many years ago, yet it sticks with me to this day. I do not remember having a burial this perfect out of all that I did while assigned to The Old Guard in Arlington, VA. The flag was folded perfectly. The firing party was exceptional, nothing was out of place, all twentyone rounds were three distinct cracks. The bugler sounded as if he put a little bit of his own soul into taps. Not a single movement was out of place, and yet there wasn't a dry eye in the bunch. We all knew what was at stake. Our mission was to see his final send off, even when no one else would. Shamefully, I cannot tell you his name, I do not remember it. It has been ten years since I walked upon that hallowed ground, but I can take you to his grave. The Arlington ladies were wives of retired officers who donated their time so that nobody was laid to rest alone. They are not a very well known part of the process, but their contribution is a valuable one. I was to young to fully appreciate alot of things I did while in the service. But even a child could understand this one. When we reached the bus, I dusted over an inch of snow off the top of my hate. It was a small sacrifice.
Rest in peace. Your contribution to our great country was not forgotten. Your service was not for nothing. Thank you for keeping our country great.
The sky turned a murky grey color as the pure white snow fell even faster. The funeral detail marched into their positions, no commands were given, everybody knew their job. The only sound was the clip clop of steel heeled shoes as they marched down the pavement. The firing party was in position, their blue dress uniforms were unsoiled and perfect. The white dress gloves almost camouflage against the snow. M14 rifles with polished stocks and white slings also spotless. The bugler stood at the ready his red hat and polished bugle shone bright despite the grey and solemn mood. The flag folding detail stood on the road, waiting to carry the hero to his final resting place. The chaplain and the Arlington lady stood respectfully next to the grave, patiently waiting.
The hearse arrived to discharge it's passenger, but something was different, something was not right, the hearse was alone, no limo, no mile long procession to lay this hero to rest. Just a hearse with one lonely passenger. With honor and reverence he was removed and carried, feet first, to his new home. The Chaplain spoke a little and said the prayers. When he finished, he backed slowly away and the casket was laid in the ground, the flag pulled tight, snapping in the crisp snowy air, removing all trace of the offending snow from the glorious colors.
The firing party, forgotten statues in the distance, came to life. All that is heard is "Ready, aim," BANG. The white gloved hands move in unison as they rack another round into the chamber. "Ready, aim," BANG. "Ready, aim," BANG. "Present, arms." Another round of seven men moving in unison as the final honors are given. Taps begins to play from the bugler as the flag is folded. The final fold is completed at the same time as the final note of taps. The flag is passed to the burial detail commander who inspects it for any irregularities, there is none, as a matter of fact it was perfect, absolutely perfect. He hands it to the chaplain, who than passes it to the Arlington lady.
The funeral detail marches off the ground and onto the bus. All is quiet aboard. There is none of the usual joking and ribbing. Just a solemn quiet of reverence and respect.
This happened many years ago, yet it sticks with me to this day. I do not remember having a burial this perfect out of all that I did while assigned to The Old Guard in Arlington, VA. The flag was folded perfectly. The firing party was exceptional, nothing was out of place, all twentyone rounds were three distinct cracks. The bugler sounded as if he put a little bit of his own soul into taps. Not a single movement was out of place, and yet there wasn't a dry eye in the bunch. We all knew what was at stake. Our mission was to see his final send off, even when no one else would. Shamefully, I cannot tell you his name, I do not remember it. It has been ten years since I walked upon that hallowed ground, but I can take you to his grave. The Arlington ladies were wives of retired officers who donated their time so that nobody was laid to rest alone. They are not a very well known part of the process, but their contribution is a valuable one. I was to young to fully appreciate alot of things I did while in the service. But even a child could understand this one. When we reached the bus, I dusted over an inch of snow off the top of my hate. It was a small sacrifice.
Rest in peace. Your contribution to our great country was not forgotten. Your service was not for nothing. Thank you for keeping our country great.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Range Report
I have recently been working on some new loads for my 30/06. A little background, when I was sixteen, I had a decision to make, car or rifle? I chose rifle. The rifle is a thing of beauty, a Sako Model 75 Hunter with the upgraded wood. I worked long and hard for this rifle and it has become a trusted friend. I shot my first .250 group with it when I was about seventeen. I changed bullets and never got that load back. More on that later.
Currently I am working on my own saboted bullet load using 50 grain Barnes Varmint Grenade bullets. Why that bullet? Because they are greener that Barrack Obamas presidency, that's why. No lead, not one bit. Did I mention that they will expand on a grape? They are not the most accurate load around, but they make a cheap way to shoot varmints. My current load has them shooting about 3" low at 100 yards. I am still well within acceptable parameters so I am going to increase the powder until they shoot to the same point of impact as my 150 grain loads.
My 150 grain loads are coming along fairly well, they are shooting about 1/2 inch at 100 yards. I have started Moly coating all my bullets for this rifle and I"m fairly impressed with the results. I'm also very pleases at how clean the rifle stays. The only downfall is getting the rifle to settle down with the moly, this seem to take about twenty rounds.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Role Model of the Week, Part V
For our role model this week we go across the pond to our cousins in England. It would seem that a that a rather polite English gentleman was tired of the neighborhood pusher selling to his brother. Tam covered it earlier this week and I knew that I had to use it.
When father-of-three Peter Drummond discovered that a drug dealer had sold heroin to a member of his family he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He stormed into pusher John Nellies' home and confronted him - before flushing the dealer's heroin down the toilet.
Please, hold your applause until the end. I am almost positive that none of my loyal readers(up to 4!) would have a problem with this. What follows would turn the stomach of almost any American. He has been sentenced to two months in prison for disturbing the peace when he broke into the dealers flat!
So why is Mr. Drummond our role model of the week? Because sometimes the price you pay is worth the end result. Sometimes doing the right thing is going to have consequences. Remember, freedom is not free, and there is a neighborhood in the U.K. that has one less heroin dealer.
When father-of-three Peter Drummond discovered that a drug dealer had sold heroin to a member of his family he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He stormed into pusher John Nellies' home and confronted him - before flushing the dealer's heroin down the toilet.
Please, hold your applause until the end. I am almost positive that none of my loyal readers(up to 4!) would have a problem with this. What follows would turn the stomach of almost any American. He has been sentenced to two months in prison for disturbing the peace when he broke into the dealers flat!
So why is Mr. Drummond our role model of the week? Because sometimes the price you pay is worth the end result. Sometimes doing the right thing is going to have consequences. Remember, freedom is not free, and there is a neighborhood in the U.K. that has one less heroin dealer.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Obama opposes Fairness Doctrine
Fox News is reporting that President Obama is upholding his campaign promise to oppose any attempt to bring back the fairness doctrine. I truly hope that this is a sign that Obama is willing to stand behind what he says. Of course, that can also mean a return of an assault weapons ban.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Gear Review, Buck Skinning Knife
I have been on the search for the perfect skinning knife. The problem is that I am not a fan of large knives. Sure, I own a few of them, however I prefer a shorter knife (3" or less) for my field work. I passed on one several years ago from a custom knife maker in AZ, now he doesn't make them anymore and I can't seem to contact him.
Thus began my quest. The goal? A short bladed skinning knife that fit comfortably in my hand. I looked in catalogs, I looked in knife stores, I dreamed of the perfect skinner. I had lost all hope and decided that I was going to learn how to make knives and build one myself.

But I finally found what I was looking for, or close enough at least. The knife is a Buck mini alpha hunter. The blade length is only 2 1/2 inches, slightly longer than what I wanted, but extremely functional. The blade sharpens quickly on a ceramic stone and the edge held long enough to skin on very mature, corn fed deer. The only downside of the knife is the sheath, very difficult to button with winter clothes on.
I had some reservations about purchasing a Buck knife, they have always been a capable, average knife. This knife restores my faith in the ability of Buck to turn out a product that can meet or exceed even my stringent expectations.
Thus began my quest. The goal? A short bladed skinning knife that fit comfortably in my hand. I looked in catalogs, I looked in knife stores, I dreamed of the perfect skinner. I had lost all hope and decided that I was going to learn how to make knives and build one myself.
But I finally found what I was looking for, or close enough at least. The knife is a Buck mini alpha hunter. The blade length is only 2 1/2 inches, slightly longer than what I wanted, but extremely functional. The blade sharpens quickly on a ceramic stone and the edge held long enough to skin on very mature, corn fed deer. The only downside of the knife is the sheath, very difficult to button with winter clothes on.
I had some reservations about purchasing a Buck knife, they have always been a capable, average knife. This knife restores my faith in the ability of Buck to turn out a product that can meet or exceed even my stringent expectations.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Role Model of the Week IV
Roger Barnett,64 out of Douglas Arizona has shown us what it means to stick to your convictions. For over ten years he has been rounding up illegal aliens that have been crossing the border through his property. He detains them and calls the Border Patrol to come pick them up. Just a man doing the right thing, defending his property and helping the Border Patrol, right? Not according to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), who are representing sixteen illegal aliens that are suing Mr. Barnett for 32 million dollars.
It appears that Mr. Barnett has been having this trouble for some time. The trespassers, ooops, I mean immigrants, would litter his property with trash and human waste, kill livestock and damage equipment. He has turned over 12,000 people over to the Border Patrol. Law Enforcement being reactive and not proactive have, in my opinion, allowed this problem to escalate to where it is today. So whats a law abiding property owner to do? Patrol your own land, of course. Spend $30,000 to install motion detectors on your property, this way you have advanced warning and can be proactive.
MALDEF says that these criminals are according the rights of citizens under the 14th amendment. I can see their logic, however, a mans home is his castle and he has the right to defend his life and property from harm. These people were knowingly breaking the law and if they are going to be afforded protections under the Constitution they should be prosecuted under it as well.
I applaud Mr. Maldoff for doing the right thing, even if it is not popular with everyone, seldom is the right thing popular. He is a shining example of what is right with this country, sticking up for yourself, and seeing it through to the end.
It appears that Mr. Barnett has been having this trouble for some time. The trespassers, ooops, I mean immigrants, would litter his property with trash and human waste, kill livestock and damage equipment. He has turned over 12,000 people over to the Border Patrol. Law Enforcement being reactive and not proactive have, in my opinion, allowed this problem to escalate to where it is today. So whats a law abiding property owner to do? Patrol your own land, of course. Spend $30,000 to install motion detectors on your property, this way you have advanced warning and can be proactive.
MALDEF says that these criminals are according the rights of citizens under the 14th amendment. I can see their logic, however, a mans home is his castle and he has the right to defend his life and property from harm. These people were knowingly breaking the law and if they are going to be afforded protections under the Constitution they should be prosecuted under it as well.
I applaud Mr. Maldoff for doing the right thing, even if it is not popular with everyone, seldom is the right thing popular. He is a shining example of what is right with this country, sticking up for yourself, and seeing it through to the end.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Shooting Skills
How many people shoot more than one kind of firearm? I am referring to rifle and pistol, shotgun, and even muzzleloaders. My curiosity was peeked last month when I was at an indoor match, at the end of the day we had a rifle side match. The owner of the range pulled out a scoped, lever action 357 magnum rifle. The course of fire was simple, 7 rounds, six 8"plates at 25 yards, standing. Sounds easy, right? Out of 17 shooters, how many knocked down all six plates? Two shooters, myself included. I have always been a well rounded shooter. A trigger is a trigger, it doesn't make a large difference whether it has a stock or a grip, a scope or iron sights. I have also found that IDPA and USPSA shooters seem to have a problem with distance. I know that it may sound harsh, but when you take an average shooter and all he does is shoot speed related practical shooting exercises his accuracy seems to diminish past 15 yards, and by 25 it is all but non-existent.

So what is the solution? I know that I do not control how other people train or shoot. Yet I feel that people should be proficient with all types of firearms. I would help anybody shoot if they ask. Am I overreaching? Do I need to get off my high horse? Any advice or flaming would be greatly appreciated.
So what is the solution? I know that I do not control how other people train or shoot. Yet I feel that people should be proficient with all types of firearms. I would help anybody shoot if they ask. Am I overreaching? Do I need to get off my high horse? Any advice or flaming would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
'That' Shot
Don't you enjoy it when all of your time and effort pays off? When all the time you spent at the range translates into one perfect shot. I'm not talking about just any shot. I'm speaking of the one that all your buddies will be speaking about for years.
I have had several of those shots, I am not a braggart, most of the time I attribute them to luck. Today I was pondering my first of 'those' shots. I was about 14 years old and we were hunting in Central California. I was taking a break from the big game hunting. I had a little 22 auto pistol and was plinking a ground squirrels about 50 yards away. I really wasn't doing much more than pestering them. The dirt and dust was being kicked up and the squad of squirrels were looking at each other with befuddlement. I was steadily advancing up to about 15 yards. I reloaded my pistol and commenced to terminating the long tailed varmints. Suddenly there was only one remaining. He looked around at his slain partners...and charged. His mouth was agape and a scream of vengeful fury past his lips.
The men all stood behind me, laughing and pointing as the squirrel barreled toward me. I quickly debated my options, do I run in fear? Do I spray and pray? No, I calmly raise the pistol and fire one hastily aimed shot before the beast had opportunity to tip the scales in his favor. I see the bullet impact and lift the fury critter off the ground. He completes one full somersault before he lays there, still and motionless, peacefully asleep, excepting his lack of a head.
I would like to tell you that I was the hero of camp that night, however it would be a lie. The story is still told, so many years later, the squirrel gets further away every year. Some years the animal ends up at the foot of my boot, desperately clawing for it's revenge. The story actually happened how I tell it here and nothing more.
Th point is the shot itself. When you see the path of the bullet in your minds eye and make it happen. To me it is a surreal moment, one that you constantly train for and only seldom makes an appearance.
I have had several of those shots, I am not a braggart, most of the time I attribute them to luck. Today I was pondering my first of 'those' shots. I was about 14 years old and we were hunting in Central California. I was taking a break from the big game hunting. I had a little 22 auto pistol and was plinking a ground squirrels about 50 yards away. I really wasn't doing much more than pestering them. The dirt and dust was being kicked up and the squad of squirrels were looking at each other with befuddlement. I was steadily advancing up to about 15 yards. I reloaded my pistol and commenced to terminating the long tailed varmints. Suddenly there was only one remaining. He looked around at his slain partners...and charged. His mouth was agape and a scream of vengeful fury past his lips.
The men all stood behind me, laughing and pointing as the squirrel barreled toward me. I quickly debated my options, do I run in fear? Do I spray and pray? No, I calmly raise the pistol and fire one hastily aimed shot before the beast had opportunity to tip the scales in his favor. I see the bullet impact and lift the fury critter off the ground. He completes one full somersault before he lays there, still and motionless, peacefully asleep, excepting his lack of a head.
I would like to tell you that I was the hero of camp that night, however it would be a lie. The story is still told, so many years later, the squirrel gets further away every year. Some years the animal ends up at the foot of my boot, desperately clawing for it's revenge. The story actually happened how I tell it here and nothing more.
Th point is the shot itself. When you see the path of the bullet in your minds eye and make it happen. To me it is a surreal moment, one that you constantly train for and only seldom makes an appearance.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lost in The Real World
My deepest apologies for the lack of posting last week. For those of you that don't know, I spent the week in corporate meetings in Sioux Falls. The highlight of the trip was that I was sick the whole time. As soon as we were done everyday, I went straight to the hotel and straight to bed. I hardly even looked at the internet. My reader was so full that I debated cutting some blogs(don't worry, I didn't).
I came home Friday evening to a happy healthy family. I turned off the cell phones and went to bed again. I spent the weekend catching up with the family and my reloading bench.

So now, back to normal. I'm also going to promise a blog post every day this week.
I came home Friday evening to a happy healthy family. I turned off the cell phones and went to bed again. I spent the weekend catching up with the family and my reloading bench.
So now, back to normal. I'm also going to promise a blog post every day this week.
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