Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Perishable Skills

I have a confession to make. I cannot recall the last time I dry fired. It has been months since I shot a pistol match. It has been weeks since I pulled a trigger. I am getting rusty, I can blame most of this on my elbow injury (next time I'm not dodging), but it's a lie. I can blame it on Mrs. Sigboy's work schedule, but she feels that should her job holds a higher priority than my shooting.

Either way I need to rectify this problem. So my plan is simple, just like keeping the mind and body sharp, I need to do something everyday. Nothing carried away, things like dry firing, drawing, firing positions. Something every day. Just like working out, even though most days it is just stretching and some push-ups.

So what do you think? Any ideas to improve this and make it more successful?

1 comment:

Deschain said...

Go back to basics, homes. Draw drills, position changes, and that all important dry fire. Start today, do it every day for a week at least. THEN go to the range.

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