Or: 100 things that somebody else thinks that I should do before I dieThanks to Breda for passing along this MeMe1.Started your own blog. I'm not sure how good it is, but it's here.
2.Slept under the stars. Many times, medicine for the soul. However, watch for werewolves.
3.Played in a band.
4.Visited Hawaii.
Watched a meteor shower. See #2.
6.Given more money than you can afford to charity.
Been to Disneyland.8.
Climbed a mountain.9.
Held a Praying Mantis.10.
Sang a solo. I'm counting Karaoke.
11.Bungee Jumped.
12.Visited Paris.
13.Watched a lightning storm at sea.
Taught yourself an art from scratch. Fly tying.
15.Adopted a child.
Had food poisoning.17.Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
Grown your own vegtables.
19.Seen the Mona Lisa.
20.Slept on an overnight train. I really, really need to do this one. Maybe when the kids are older.
.Had a pillowfight.22.
Hitch hiked.23.
Taken a sick day when you're not ill.24.
Built a snow fort.25.Held a lamb.
26.Gone skinny dippping. Not that I recall......If you have proof, I don't want to see it.
27. Run a marathon.
28.Ridden in a gondola in Venice.
29.Seen a total eclipse.
Watched a sunrise or a sunset.31.Hit a home run.
32.Been on a cruise.
33.Seen Niagra Falls in person.
Visited the birthplace of your ancesters.35.
Seen an Amish community.36.Taught yourself a new language.
37.Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38.Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person.
Gone rock climbing.40.Seen Michelango's David.
Sung Karaoke. It's your stage presence, not your singing quality.
42.Seen Old Faithful Geyser erupt.
43.Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44.Visited Africa.
Walked on the beach by moonlight.46.Been transported in an ambulance.
47.Had your portrait painted.
Gone deep sea fishing.49.Seen the Sistine Chapel in person.
50.Been to the top of the Eifel Tower in Paris.
51.Gone scuba diving or snorkeling.
Kissed in the rain.53.
Played in the mud.54.
Gone to a drive in theater.55.
Been in a movie. File footage count? People get mad when I yell, "Pause it, Pause it!"
56.Visited the Great Wall of China.
Started a business. Kinda.
58.Taken a martial arts class.
59.Visited Russia.
60.Served at a soup kitchen.
61.Sold Girl Scout Cookies. Um, hello? I"m an outie not an inie.
Gone whale watching.63.Got flowers for no reason.
Donated blood, platets or plasma.65.
Gone sky diving.66.Visited a Nazi concentration camp.
Bounced a check.68.
Flown in a helicopter.69.
Saved a favorite childhood toy. Leo the Lion, he made til I was twenty.
Visited the Lincoln Memorial.71.Eaten Caviar.
72.Pieced a Quilt.
73.Stood in Times Square.
74.Toured the Everglades.
Been fired from a job.76.Seen the changing of the guards in London.
Broken a bone. My index finger.
78.Been on a speeding motorcycle.
79.Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
80.Published a book. I"m working on it. It's all in my head, I swear.
81.Visited the Vatican.
Bought a brand new car.83.Walked in Jerusalem.
Had your picture in the newspaper.85.
Read the entire Bible.86.
Visited the White House.87.
Killed and prepared an animal for eating.88.
Had Chickenpox.89.
Saved someones life. Nothing is more noble, just ask him.
90.Sat on a jury.
Met someone famous.92.
Joined a book club.93.
Lost a loved one. I miss that dog.
.Had a baby.95.Seen the Alamo in person.
96.Swam in the Great Salt Lake.
97.Been involved in a lawsuit.
Owned a cell phone.99.
Been stung by a bee.100. Read an entire book in one day.